Every year money is being spent on every imaginable diet program, slim-down products, and weigh loss pills. For many women, money is no object since the need to shed those extra pounds far outweighs any concern for finances.

Statistics shows that Obesity is one of the things that causes different types of diseases in the world today. Excessive weight gain can lead to cardiovascular diseases like congestive cardiac failure and other coronary heart diseases as well as diabetes. There are many measures people are trying to put in place just to lose weight.This measures made sense since there are types of food that can actually curb one’s appetite,stop  sugar cravings and prevent excessive weight gain. There are food groups that boost metabolism which helps consume stored fat in the body which in the process  leads to weight loss. Shown below are some of the “good food” that should be part of a weight watchers eating plan:

1. Beans – Beans contain cholecystokinin, a digestive harmone that acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Beans also keep blood sugar on an even level and helps keep the off hunger longer. High-fiber bean varieties can even lower cholesterol levels.

2. Eggs – Eaten in moderate amounts, eggs are good for the health since these contain protein that helps prevent spikes in blood sugar. Weight watchers are often advised to eat only egg whites.

3. Green Tea – This type of tea is an antioxidant and helps stimulate metabolism which in turn burns fat. Green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechins.

4. Soup – Having a little chicken soup is good for the body because it helps decrease hunger. Chicken soup is considered a folk remedy for colds and flu.

5. High-fiber Cereals – Cereals which are high in fiber help improve digestion and are good for reducing hunger pangs.

6. Tofu – If you eat tofu, you tend to eat less food. Tofu is considered as an appetite-quashing protein.

7. Lean Beef – Lean beef contains an amino acid called leucine which helps provide energy, regulate blood sugar, and repair muscles.

8. Olive Oil – Cooking food in olive oil is healthy because it contains mono-unsaturated fat which is widely accepted as a product that helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

9. Pears – This fruit is a good source of fiber and fructose which does not cause spikes in blood-sugar also contains the good cholesterol.

10. Nuts – Research released by Purdue University showed that adding about 500 calories of peanuts to their regular diet helped them eat less food that could cause weight gain.

11. Vinegar- Acetic acid found in vinegar slows the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine, thereby causing satiety (a feeling of fullness in the stomach). Vinegar also helps improve blood glucose control which is needed by diabetics.

12. Red Hot Pepper – A bowl of spicy chili can help a person lose weight due to an ingredient called capsaicin. This ingredient actually helps suppress appetite.

 13. Salad – Eating salad is highly recommended by the American Dietetic Association because the vegetable-based meal is rich in vitamins c and e, lycopene, folic acid, and carontenoids. However, it is best to cut down on the dressing when eating salad. Some salad dressings can actually be high in calories.

Indeed, being in control of one’s weight involves the simple act of choosing to eat good food. Having a regular exercise program and controlling the number of calories consumed each day will go a long way in helping a person win the Battle of excessive weight gain.


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