It is important to know how to lower blood sugar naturally for people  who suffer from diabetes. This helps people to be free from drugs that contain chemicals which can have a great side effects for your body.

Excess blood sugar levels in the body make people to develop diabetes. This terrible illness is a chronic disease that causes death in humans.

Blood sugar is like a fuel in the body that has a function as energy so that it is useful for the work of the nervous system, brain and all organs of the body. This blood sugar is obtained from food sources that have been consumed by our body.

If you have high blood sugar levels, this makes one to have a very large potential for diabetes to attack and nest in the body. Not only that, this can damage nerves, even damage the work of the kidney organs.

When you find that the blood sugar level in the body is increasing, immediately seek treatment to bring it back to normal.

This is how to lower blood sugar naturally which is from several sources:


You can lower blood sugar  by doing exercise. By starting from moderate exercise, this can lower glucose in your body. Exercise can also help the body utilize the sugar in the blood, so that it enters the body's cells which makes it efficient and not cause sugar levels to increase significantly.

Kinds of small exercises that you can do are swimming, aerobics, cycling, brisk walking and many more. In order for this method of lowering blood sugar to work, you need to do it regularly.

-Reducing Sugar Intake

In order to make the blood sugar levels in your body fall and return to normal, it can also be done by reducing the intake of sugar you consume. To do this, self-awareness of each is necessary.

Many initially did this method but they are still not very serious about it.Reducing sugar intake is very important to lower  blood sugar levels, it is very powerful. For example, you can substitute a sweetener from sugar to a low-calorie sweetener such as those made from corn. That way, insulin function in your body can increase.

-Encouraging  increase in the consumption of fish

You need to know, it turns out that fish does not contain carbohydrates at all. Not only that, fish also does not contain sugar in it. You can do this to lower the sugar levels in your body naturally.

The important thing  is to eat fish twice a week. Not only for diabetes, by eating this fish, you can save yourself from heart disease. This is due to the omega-3 acid content in it. It is highly recommended that you do not consume fish with inappropriate processing methods such as 'fried' fish which also contains a lot of mercury in it.

-Avoid Eating Junk Food.

Lowering blood sugar levels is not easy, it is necessary to control appetite. For people who love eating fast food or junk food, this is very unpleasant news, because your favorite food can make your blood sugar levels jump significantly.

Not only that, this junk food is known to be very dangerous for the human body. So this does not mean that junk food is not only dangerous for diabetics, but also others. That way, avoiding eating fast food is very useful for lowering blood sugar levels in our body.

-Knowing how to control carbohydrate Intake in the Body.

As is well known, carbohydrates are indeed something that is important and needed by the body. This is all because carbohydrates are the main source of producing energy. Controlling the intake of carbohydrates into the body is an important way to lower blood sugar levels, because your body performs the process of breaking down carbohydrates into simple sugars and mostly glucose.

This will continue the work of insulin by transferring the sugar in the body to the blood in the cells for energy. So form  a habit from now on to always control carbohydrate intake in your body.

-Taking enough rest

For those of you who want your blood sugar levels not to increase significantly, sleeping or getting enough rest is one way.Getting enough quality sleep can make your body healthy, this is really needed by the body for health.

Having poor and abnormal sleep habits such as sleeping early in the morning, staying late at night, and lack of rest can affect your insulin sensitivity level and also your blood sugar levels. It is highly recommended that you get enough sleep, for about 7 to 9 hours per day.

-Eating Avocado

The next way to lower blood sugar levels which can be done is to eat healthy fruits, one of which is avocado. Avocado is a fruit that contains unsaturated fats, so it can be an important fruit for controlling blood sugar levels. Not only that, eating avocado can reduce the risk of diabetes in you.

-Consuming Cocoa

Did you know that cocoa can actually lower blood sugar levels in your body? These cocoa seeds contain antioxidants, protein and flavonols which the body really needs. With the bitter taste of the cocoa seeds, it can lower your blood glucose levels.

So this is how to lower blood sugar in a natural way and which is very easy to practice. Hopefully it can be helpful and useful for you.


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